What Is High Beam? -The Advantages Of Using High Beam Headlights

Every car has safety features and devices installed, and this is for different reasons.

Among these safety features are the high beam headlights, which are generally brighter headlights.

Even though it is installed on every car for safety purposes, it’s somewhat surprising that a lot of drivers don’t usually use them.

Some of these drivers often think they can see well enough and don’t need high beams.

However, using this type of headlight correctly improves driving safety, especially at night.

Read on as we have provided all the information you need to know about these headlights.

What is High Beam Headlight?

A high beam is the strongest headlight included in cars, and it’s designed to be used mostly at night or in low light conditions.

This provides sufficient light for the driver to see clearly while driving. Unlike low beam headlights, the high beam can easily light a larger area of the road.

However, one thing to note about this type of headlight is that even though the light they produce is more than that of low beams, the light can temporarily alter the vision of other drivers and even pedestrians.

This occurs mostly when it is not correctly used, and it’s why different states have requirements for high beams. The requirements also specify the right time to use the high beam.

When To Use High Beams

High beam headlights are designed to be used at night or in conditions that require greater visibility so that people can drive safely.

No one will want to drive in a condition with low visibility, as it can be really scary, even for experienced drivers.

This is because vision plays a vital role in determining how a driver reacts to different situations.

It includes color recognition, peripheral vision, and depth perception, and they are all reduced at night. They provide a handy way to avoid this type of situation.

This is because their light shines bright enough to illuminate up to 400 feet of the road, which is two times more than that of low beams.

However, even though they are designed for safety, it’s important to use them correctly so that the safety of other drivers is not affected.

As stated earlier, different states usually have requirements for the use of this type of headlight.

Following these requirements is of utmost importance, especially when it involves the safety of other drivers.

Also, the requirements vary for different states, but in general, you should not use them within 500ft of any pedestrian or oncoming vehicle.

You might already be wondering when is the right time to use brighter headlights. Here’s what you should know:

01. Darkness

The most obvious reason why anyone would need to use a headlight like this is under dark conditions, especially when a driver cannot clearly see ahead.

However, before switching to the high beam headlights, the first thing to do is reduce your speed to check if your visibility will improve and ensure that you’re not only overdriving the low beam headlights.

Once you’re sure that the problem is not from your speed, then you can conveniently switch to them again.

02. High-Speed Driving

In addition to driving in dark conditions, high-speed driving is another instance requiring the use of this type of headlight, especially under dark conditions.

Higher responses are required when driving at high speed, and the chances of things happening is equally on the high side.

With that in mind, you can further increase your safety by using full-beam headlights.

03. Interstate Highways

We cannot overemphasize the need for increased visibility on interstate highways.

These roads usually have different conditions that require greater visibility that can only be provided by full-beam headlights.

Despite this, you should always dim your light whenever you see an approaching vehicle.

04. Low Visibility in Rural Areas and Country Road

Rural areas and country roads are not usually lightened.

Driving through these roads can be dangerous, but with a headlight of this standard, you can be sure of your safety when driving through these roads.

What Are High Beams Used For?

The main use of high beams is for providing enough light in poorly lit conditions.

Low beams are not usually sufficient under these conditions, and it further poses more risks to the driver.

However, when on a road that is properly lit with streetlights, the low beams may be sufficient.

High beams are also ideal for cases that require seeing as far as possible to avoid running into obstacles like bumps on the road, pedestrians, or even animals.

Provided that there are no incoming vehicles, you can use high beams, but always remember to turn it off the moment you notice an incoming vehicle or even a pedestrian.

These beams are also handy for cases that require driving in rural areas or country roads.

If you have ever driven in such regions, you’ll notice that there are no sufficient streetlights, and they can be excessively dark.

However, with full beam headlights, you can easily drive through these roads with increased visibility. Full beams also come in handy while driving on highways.

In general, the beams are a handy tool for any case that would require a greater and more increased level of visibility, as using the regular headlight may be insufficient in such instances.

Researchers, wildlife experts, and people who tend to go into the wild also need these beams for increased visibility at night.

There is a need to ensure wildlife preservation, and no one would want to drive through any animal at night.

However, you can easily increase your visibility and see farther distances with these beams. It’s also important for safety.

Which Headlight Bulbs Are Used For High Beams?

Today, most high-performance and high-end vehicles use two separate bulbs. The halogen bulb is the commonly used option for low beams.

On the other hand, the bulb that is used for the high beam is the highest-intensity discharge bulb. These two bulbs cannot be switched or interchanged.

Therefore, if one wears out or gets burns, you’ll have to get a replacement, rather than using the other as a replacement.

Dual filament bulbs can also be used for high beams, although they are equally handy as low beams. The bulbs have two different filaments in a single bulb.

It acts as a low beam when the lower filament is on. For it to function as a high beam, both filaments will need to be on for the bulb to illuminate brighter and better.

Why Should You Use Your High Beam Lights?

The main reason for any driver to consider using high beam lights is for greater visibility.

Full beam headlights can provide enough light to cover as much as 500 feet, which further increases driving safety.

With this, you can see clearly when driving on the highways or streets, especially in cases where animals, bikes, or even pedestrians may be present.

However, always ensure that you are using the brighter headlights correctly, and you’re not going against laid down requirements.

Final Say

High-beam headlights are undoubtedly vital for safety, and this is why you’ll find them installed on every vehicle. However, you can only guarantee your safety when you use them properly.

For example, you might be tempted to use them in extreme weather conditions, but this will only worsen your vision.

For this reason, we have taken the time to research and include the right information in this article so that you can correctly use your brighter headlights.

We have also answered some of the most frequently asked questions to guide you further and ensure that you’re correctly using your brighter headlights.

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