Headlights Not Working After Battery Change- Expert Tips To Get Your Solutions 2024

There can be many reasons behind headlights not working after a battery change. It is a very common problem after battery change. To fix it we have to know the reason why the headlights are not working properly. The bulb issue, the battery is not placed properly, a damaged relay, a problem with the wire or a faulty battery can be the reason why headlights are not running completely.

To ensure the work is carried out right you have to check out the problem first to fix it.  Here you go with the reasons and way to fix it.

5 Reasons Why Headlights Not Working After Battery Change

both headlights not working

It’s time to know why your headlights are not working correctly. Let’s see some causes through these 5 reasons. 

1. The Bulb is Burnt Out

Sometimes we can’t figure out one bulb is not working while the other provides enough light. This is because today’s headlights are brighter than the older ones that come in the market. You can’t figure out if one bulb has burned out and if the second one is providing enough light. 

Usually, bulbs don’t burn out at the same time. You might not think that your burned-out bulbs can be the cause, it is the ordinary matter. You might touch the bulbs with a finger while installing them. That can also be the reason after battery change why headlights are not working. You would see the line written there – “not to touch the bulb”.

2. Battery Not Installed Properly

Please kindly check first whether the battery is installed correctly or not. We usually overlook the attempt while installing the battery. Commonly, battery cables can be loose. It can be the cause battery to die repeatedly. Make sure you check you have a sturdy connection.  

3. Damage Relay

In your car when you flip a switch it doesn’t complete the circuit directly, more it sends energy to the relay, and the relay completes the circuit. If the relay goes poor it may receive the energy but will be unable to complete the circuit. In this case, you may be required to get a new relay to run the lights. 

In some manner, there are high beams and low beams that have separate relays, if one goes bad the other may still work.

Related Article: Low Beam Vs High Beam Headlights

4. New Battery Was Faulty

You may have an issue with the new one but you are unable to find what the problem is with this new one. Well, it can be a faulty battery, perhaps the battery is too old, the battery has a poor connection issue, extreme temperatures finished off the battery or the alternator has gone bad. 

5. Problem With Wire

Though the car’s wire is complex it’s difficult to fix the wire. Moreover, a faulty wire can cause the headlight not to work. When excess current runs through the system the fuses burn out. So wiring trouble can also cause a fuse to blow. 

In fact, wire problems can be the reason for many other problems –

  1. The engine won’t crank properly.
  2. You may experience battery problems.
  3. Headlights and other lights will not work. 

How to Replace Battery Properly

how to change car battery safely

If you replace the battery rightly then the half work is done. Further on, you may need some tools to replace the battery. It’s easy to do if you follow the right steps.

1. Find out your car’s battery 

Most cars’ battery found under the vehicle’s hood yet there is some cars that have batteries hidden out of sight in the engine bay or on specific models even in the trunk.

2. Locate the positive and negative terminals 

In your car, the terminals help to connect positive and negative current flow from the battery to the electrical components. It’s necessary to remove cables carefully. There are marked with “+” and with “-” to understand the positive and negative terminals.

3. Use wrenches to unbolt the cables

After placing the positive and negative terminals you have to unbolt the cables from the battery.  For this, a suitable wrench needs to unbolt the cable if you don’t have the tools to borrow tools from your friends. With wrenches lift away cables and remove them from the terminals.

4. Remove the Faulty Battery

Battery plays a vital role in your car. It confirms that all the electronic parts of your car run smoothly. Yet, once in a way you have to remove the old battery with a new one for your car’s general maintenance.

5. Select the Right Battery And Replace it Properly

It is very important to use the battery with the right voltage. Normally most cars require a 12V battery but it is important to check the user manual before buying one. If you do not have a user manual then ask the seller which type of battery your specific model need. After bringing the right battery simply put it in the car as you have separated the faulty one. 

When you are finishing with replacing the battery with a new one make sure you have connected the cables properly. And then you have to check if everything is ok or not. If you still find problems with your cars related to power then you may take help from a professional. 

Troubleshooting Tips

Sometimes simple problems can give you panic which is easily solvable. This may be because you don’t know how to troubleshoot the problem. 

Let’s see some tips on the most common problems that you can solve normally.

  1. If you notice your car’s light and electric system are beeping or not working properly, check your battery first. Sometimes this problem can occur due to a loss of connection. 
  1. Not every time electric problems come from the battery. For problems like the light not working or, the internal display not functioning, don’t rush for changing the battery. There may be a problem with the light or the display. 
  1. Always check the battery voltage before making a battery-changing decision. Generally, the battery gets its charge from the running engine and for cable-related problems, a car’s battery may not charge properly. In addition, loose cables or, burned cables also cause power-related problems. So, use a voltage meter to make sure battery’s condition before planning to replace it.
  1. Freezing weather can drain a car’s battery by 30-60% which gets recovered when you start driving as the battery takes its charge from the running engine.  For a situation like this, you have to turn off the light, radio, or other things that run from battery power and then attempt to start the car. If fails then you may have to Jump Start the battery.

Well, these were the most common problems that give you panic but can be solved very easily with a qualified mechanic. There is so many other problems that can take place which is not very common. For these cases, it may be better to take professional help.


Changing a car’s battery is an easy process if you actually know the car maintenance well. It can also save you money all you need to buy a new suitable battery for your car. Mainly a car’s battery provides energy to the engine that makes all the things like headlights and some internal functions work smoothly. 

We hope our guidelines help you to find out why your headlights not working after the battery change. If you still have any queries or, want to share your experience? Let us know in the comment section. 

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