Best Jeep Wrangler Led Tail Lights – Enhance Safety and Style

When your taillight seems lackluster, you’ll need the best Jeep Wrangler LED Tail Lights.

Though the Jeep Wrangler has features that let the driver feel the worthiness of its price, it doesn’t really have everything.

While there is a focus on form, the function could do better. And, this is especially apparent with the Wrangler’s OEM taillights.

For this reason, manufacturers are ready to give every Jeep Wrangler driver the taillight that lives up to their needs.

However, which of these products could you actually trust and believe in? In this article, this hard question is answered.

How to Install Jeep Wrangler Led Tail Lights

The installation instruction of a taillight unit can vary from brand to brand.

Still, considering that the majority of items listed in this article come as plug-and-play installations, the following steps can still be applicable.

Step 1

Carefully remove the OEM taillight by unscrewing the bolts. Use some slight force to take the taillight out of the vehicle completely.

Step 2

Once detached, unplug all the attached wires. For the Jeep Wrangler, there is one wire that attaches itself to the stock unit.

To safely take this connection, press the tab that is present on the car wire’s head.

It’s on that plastic bulb that is attached to the vehicle’s original headlight wiring.

Step 3

When completely pulled, clean the surrounding surface with a cloth. Check the Jeep Wrangler’s wires if there is any damage or debris.

This is to make sure that the taillight will work fine with the vehicle. If there is present damage, such as melting, ask a professional for further assistance.

Step 4

Connect the new taillight to the vehicle’s wire.

The connection can be assured with a click as it is an indication of a successful attachment.

Step 5

Attach the unit to the vehicle. Some taillights are built differently and may need specific angling in order to be safely installed.

Once the taillight is easily fitting into the car, screw everything back in place.

Step 6

Check if it functions. If it does, enjoy the new taillight.

What to Consider Before Buying Tail Lights For Your JEEP Wrangler

01. Brightness

When one buys a new taillight for their Jeep Wrangler, it’s usually to find something better.

Perhaps, if it is to find a simple replacement, wouldn’t it be better to find an improvement now that there’s an opportunity to choose, especially since it could guarantee your safety?

The brightness of a taillight is what stands between you and a rear-end collision.

The dark road is a dangerous one and not all terrains have streetlights to keep the ride safe.

And, keep in mind that not all drivers have the right window tint to have better sight ahead.

For this reason, it’s quite important to put the brightness of a taillight into consideration when purchasing.

The brightness isn’t just there to please the eye of a passerby. While some manufacturers have a design in mind, brightness should take priority.

02. Waterproof

When a taillight has moisture within the build of the unit itself, it becomes damaging and dangerous.

While light moisture is almost expected in all cars, it is still important that no water slides into the unit at all.

This is because the moisture can cause damage to the taillight. The build of a taillight should ensure that the inside remains dry.

The damage caused by moisture will force you to buy another replacement as not all units can be fixed or have spare parts.

As such, the buyer will only be wasting their own time and money if they don’t consider buying a waterproof taillight.

Furthermore, it can also negatively affect the brightness of the LED.

For rainy nights when it is especially important to have light, this becomes very vital to the safety of the driver and his passengers.

This proves that not only can a nonwaterproof taillight be inconvenient, but it can also be dangerous.

03. Installation

This could be an optional aspect to ponder. But, surely every buyer would love to purchase a taillight with the least hassle and a lesser cost.

For a lot of aftermarket consumers, when it comes to the installation of a certain car part, the key is convenience.

Complicated installation doesn’t only consume time, but also takes some money.

Not everyone can bear the complications of disassembling, assembling, reassembling, wiring, etc.

So, they’re often forced to hire professionals, which will definitely ask for financial compensation.

To avoid hassle and further cost, try to buy a taillight that’s easy to install.

04. Longevity

And, of course, what would also matter in the decision is the lifespan and durability of the taillight.

No one wants to spend hundreds of dollars just to have the item last less than a year.

And, no one would definitely want to be stopped by a police officer because the taillight gave out all of a sudden.

But, let’s be real. Not all manufacturers are honest and sometimes quality checks could be questionable. Even widely-trusted brands can make some errors.

That’s why, when buying a taillight, it could trust what other consumers are saying. Keep the quality and longevity of a product in mind when deciding to purchase.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do You Know If The Taillight is Failing?

A failing taillight can present some symptoms before it completely shuts down. This can also be the case for any device that makes use of LED.

But, for the taillight, in particular, it is crucial to know when it starts to fail rather than being fined by a police officer on the road.

Watch out for when the taillight fails to operate even when the headlight is switched on.

Aside from that, you can also check by pressing on the brakes. If the brake is stepped on, but the lights fail to illuminate brightly, then there is a problem.

How Long Do The Replacements Usually Last?

It depends from case to case. Sometimes, the driver may have installed the replacement wrongly or the product could just be faulty.

But, LEDs can have an average life expectancy of five to six years.

What Causes The Taillight to Fail?

There could be a number of possible reasons for a failing or damaged taillight. It could be that the wrong type of LED is used.

Other causes are poor wring, corroded sockets and/or plugs, and a fuse that’s blown.

If Only One Taillight is Damaged, Should You Replace Both of Them?

No, you do not have to buy two taillights just because only one is faulty. In most cases, damage to one taillight doesn’t mean that there is damage to both taillights.

However, keep in mind that buying a different taillight could have a different level of brightness. For most Jeepney Wrangler owners, this isn’t a major issue.

But, it could be displeasing to the eye for many. An uneven taillight could also be disturbing on the road.

Are LED Lights Prone to Burnout?

LED taillights have been made to have a long lifespan. However, it is quite fragile and a little damage could do a lot.

Moisture may seep into the housing or wires could corrode. Once the wiring or even just a part of the LED is affected, it will dim or burn out completely.

Final Words

Taillights are needed for the safety of yourself and others on the road.

If it doesn’t light up to standard nor last as long as needed, then damaging risks are immediately possible.

A lot of drivers, they face the frustration of a taillight that just can’t have the right brightness.

But, with the best taillight for your Jeep Wrangler, there is no need to face these problems anymore.

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